UNCAV clebrating with UAE it’s 52nd National Day

Vienna-Nov.2023/by A.Sharief
On the 24 of November 2023,the Ambassador of the UAE,to Austria and the International Organizations H.E. Hamad Alkaaby invited heads of Austrians as well as International Organizations to celebrate the 52nd National Day of the UAE.
The UAE was formally established on December 1971.
Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan unified the seven Emirates into a federation.
The seven Emirates are Abu Dhabi,Dubai,Sharjah,Ajman,Shariah,, Al Quwain, Fujairah,and Ras Al Khaimah.
Ambassador Alkaaby delivered a very informative speech in which he has highlighted the developments achieved by the leadership of the UAE in 52 years.
He said:
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, On this momentous occasion of the UAE’s 52nd Union Day, it is with immense joy that we welcome each one of you to celebrate the unity and progress that define our great nation. Today, as we honor our rich history, we also cast our gaze towards a future defined not only by sustainable development and global collaboration but by our continued exploration of new frontiers in space and the steadfast pursuit of a balanced foreign policy. As we commemorate the formation of our federation on December 2, 1971, we reflect on the journey that transformed independent emirates into a united and prosperous nation. Today, under the visionary leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, we proudly declare 2023 as the „Year of Sustainability,“ themed „Today, for Tomorrow.“ Our priorities are clear, grounded in intensifying awareness of environmental issues, fostering positive lifestyle shifts, and engaging the public in mindful consumption, environmental preservation, and collective efforts to counter climate change. This commitment underscores our dedication to a thriving future not only for our nation but for the global community.
UAE-Austria Relationship: Strengthening Ties In the pursuit of sustainable development and global cooperation, the UAE’s relationship with Austria holds a special place. Beyond diplomatic engagements, our nations share a commitment to progress, environmental stewardship, and cultural preservation. Austria, with its rich cultural heritage and dedication to sustainability, is a valued partner in our shared journey towards a better, more interconnected world. As we celebrate our 52nd Union Day, we also celebrate the enduring friendship between the UAE and Austria. This relationship extends beyond geographical boundaries; it is a partnership rooted in shared values and a vision for a sustainable and interconnected future. Foreign Policy Priorities: A Balanced Approach In the realm of foreign policy, the UAE adheres to a balanced and forward-looking approach. Active participation in over 150 international organizations including many in Vienna, our recent accession to the BRICS group, and membership in the United Nations Security Council demonstrate the UAE’s commitment to fostering global cooperation. Our role in addressing crucial challenges of our time, from promoting peaceful conflict resolution to supporting gender equality, highlights our dedication to shaping a more stable and equitable world.
Economic Achievements: A Thriving Future In the realm of economics, the United Arab Emirates has emerged as a global model for sustainable development. The nation’s ambitious strategies have borne fruit, as evidenced by an unprecedented milestone in foreign trade during the first half of 2023 , a remarkable 14.4% increase compared to the previous year. The UAE’s commitment to a knowledge-driven and diversified economy has set the stage for resilience, sustainability, and novel opportunities. To realize these forward-looking visions, the UAE has forged comprehensive economic partnerships with several dynamic global economies. The ongoing negotiations with additional countries signal the UAE’s intent to further expand its economic footprint on the global stage. Space Exploration: Pioneering the Future In the arena of promoting science and space exploration, the UAE has solidified its commitment to advancement. Celebrating the significant space mission of UAE astronaut Sultan AlNeyadi, the first Arab astronaut to conduct a lengthy stay and spacewalk on the International Space Station, showcases the nation’s resolute dedication to pushing the boundaries of science, technology, and innovation. Building on the successes of Hazza AlMansoori, the first Emirati in space, and the successful deployment of the Hope Probe to Mars in 2021, the UAE continues to demonstrate the highest levels of determination in realizing its vision to be among the leading countries in the field of space.
COP28 Conference: A Global Steward for Sustainability The UAE’s proactive stance on environmental sustainability takes center stage with the hosting of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) in few days . This global conference, themed „Today for Tomorrow,“ serves as a testament to the nation’s dedication to accelerating sustainable development goals and expanding the scope of energy transformations. In the face of pressing global challenges, the UAE remains a committed to adopting effective policies to address climate change. The comprehensive efforts include economic diversification with a focus on a green economy, the diversification of energy sources with an emphasis on clean and renewable energy, promotion of energy efficiency, sustainable transportation, and sustainable urban planning. Through the COP28 presidency, the UAE seeks not just promises but tangible actions, aiming to achieve significant reductions in emissions and build a sustainable future energy system.
Foreign Assistance and Development: A Beacon of Generosity The UAE’s efforts in the international community reflect its balanced and responsible approach to global issues. As one of the top donors of international assistance, the UAE’s relief and humanitarian work extend beyond material aid. With over 43 institutions and bodies actively involved, the nation has replaced typical relief operations with impactful development projects, from building housing and hospitals to power plants and wells, contributing to improved living conditions in beneficiary countries. The UAE’s distinguished position among the top ten donor countries in the world is a testament to its support of development issues and humanitarian cooperation. By sharing expertise, providing technical assistance, and actively participating in global efforts, the UAE remains dedicated to supporting communities worldwide affected by crises and disasters.
Conclusion: A Year of Resilience and Achievement As we conclude this reflection on the achievements of the UAE in 2023, it is evident that this has been a year of resilience, innovation, and global leadership. From economic milestones and space exploration triumphs to diplomatic successes and sustainable initiatives, the UAE has proven its mettle on the world stage. As we move forward, let us collectively strive for a future that builds on these achievements, fostering collaboration, sustainability, and progress for the benefit of all nations.
Thank you
Ambassador Alkaaby welcomes DI Abdalla Sharief-UNCAV President
Ambassador Alkaaby welcomes Dr Martin Nesirky-UNIS-Director
Ms Eilika Gauhl Executive Secretary to Ambas of UAE
President DI Abdalla Sharief with Dr Wener Fasslabend, former Defence Minister of Austria and President of various important organisations.